Play with NEAR CLI

Create xxx.near or xxx.testnet Account

near call testnet create_account \
        "new_account_id": "xxxxxxx.testnet", 
        "new_public_key": "ed25519:DAh6wwBYbakodZaA3QSZvojBF7EceeUkZsdELTEBRoYt"
    }' \
    --accountId bot.testnet --deposit 0.1

Read Parameters from JSON File

The JSON file could be params.json, with content

    "new_account_id": "xxxxxxx.testnet",
    "new_public_key": "ed25519:DAh6wwBYbakodZaA3QSZvojBF7EceeUkZsdELTEBRoYt"

Run the command below to create the account:

near call testnet create_account "$(< params.json)" --accountId bot.testnet --deposit 0.1

Send NEP141 token to another account

Here we take Banana from BerryClub for example.

Suppose we want to transfer 1 Banana from the user robertyan.testnet to linus.testnet.

  1. If the receiver hasn't regisered on NEP141 before, we first need to deposit storage cost for the receiver linus.testnet (i.e. register the account on the NEP141 contract) with a small amount of NEAR.
  2. Then we'll be able to call ft_transfer to transfer Banana to the receiver. Since the precision of Banana is 18 digits, the amount is 1000000000000000000 for sending 1 Banana


You need to run storage_deposit first to register the receiver account on Banana contract berryclub.testnet

near call berryclub.testnet \
    storage_deposit '{"account_id": "linus.testnet"}' \
    --account-id robertyan.testnet --amount 0.025

Then you can send some tokens to the receiver

near call berryclub.testnet ft_transfer \
        "receiver_id": "linus.testnet", 
        "amount": "1000000000000000000"
    }' \
    --account-id robertyan.testnet --amount 0.000000000000000000000001


You need to run storage_deposit first to register the receiver account on Banana contract berryclub.ek.near

near call berryclub.ek.near storage_deposit '{"account_id": "linus.near"}' \
    --account-id robertyan.near --amount 0.025

Then you can send some tokens to the receiver

near call berryclub.ek.near ft_transfer \
        "receiver_id": "linus.near", 
        "amount": "1000000000000000000"
    }' \
    --account-id robertyan.near --amount 0.000000000000000000000001