


NEAR Indexer for Explorer

Shared Public Access

NEAR runs the indexer and maintains it for NEAR Explorer, NEAR Wallet, and some other internal services. It proved to be a great source of data for various analysis and services, so we decided to give a shared read-only public access to the data:

  • testnet credentials: postgres://public_readonly:nearprotocol@
  • mainnet credentials: postgres://public_readonly:nearprotocol@

Database Structure

Common SQL Recipes

Total New Accounts By Date

        TIMESTAMP ‘epoch’ + DIV(DIV(blocks.block_timestamp, 1000000000), 60 * 60 * 24) * INTERVAL ‘1 day’ AS “date”,
        COUNT(*) as new_accounts_count_by_date
FROM accounts
JOIN receipts ON receipts.receipt_id = accounts.created_by_receipt_id
JOIN blocks ON blocks.block_hash = receipts.included_in_block_hash
GROUP BY “date”
ORDER BY “date”

Top 10 Accounts with most Transactions in Past Two Weeks

SELECT signer_account_id,
        COUNT(*) AS transactions_count
FROM transactions
WHERE transactions.block_timestamp >= (cast(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 AS bigint) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
AND transactions.block_timestamp < (cast(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()) AS bigint) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
GROUP BY signer_account_id
ORDER BY transactions_count DESC

Active Accounts by Date

        TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + DIV(DIV(transactions.block_timestamp, 1000000000), 60 * 60 * 24) * INTERVAL '1 day' AS "date",
        COUNT(distinct transactions.signer_account_id) as active_accounts_count_by_date
      FROM transactions
      JOIN execution_outcomes ON execution_outcomes.receipt_id = transactions.converted_into_receipt_id
      WHERE execution_outcomes.status IN ('SUCCESS_VALUE', 'SUCCESS_RECEIPT_ID') and 
      TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + DIV(DIV(transactions.block_timestamp, 1000000000), 60 * 60 * 24) * INTERVAL '1 day' > current_date -7 
      GROUP BY "date"
      ORDER BY "date"

Real-World Examples

BerryClub Wayback

BerryClub Wayback used indexer to fetch 50 edits randomly from all the edits or by a user

find edits: source code

Fetch 50 edits randomly from all the edits or edits by a user

async function findEdits(accountId) {
    console.log('findEdits', accountId);

    return withPgClient(async client => {
        const { rows } = await client.query(`
            SELECT included_in_block_timestamp AS block_timestamp, included_in_block_hash AS block_hash
            FROM receipts ${accountId ? '' : `TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(0.05)`}
            WHERE receiver_account_id = 'berryclub.ek.near'
                ${accountId ? `AND predecessor_account_id = $1` : ''}
            ORDER BY random()
            LIMIT 50
            `, accountId ? [accountId] : []);

        console.log(`Found ${rows.length} rows`);
        return rows;

Wallet Contract Helper

NEAR Wallet used indexer to query necessary information related to accounts, such as activities, FTs/NFTs owned by the user, etc.

findAccountActivity: source code

Show account activities in wallet

const findAccountActivity = async (ctx) => {
    const { accountId } = ctx.params;
    let { offset, limit = 10 } = ctx.request.query;
    if (!offset) {
        offset = '9999999999999999999';
    const { rows } = await pool.query(`
            included_in_block_hash block_hash,
            included_in_block_timestamp block_timestamp,
            originated_from_transaction_hash hash,
            index_in_action_receipt action_index,
            predecessor_account_id signer_id,
            receiver_account_id receiver_id,
        from action_receipt_actions
        join receipts using(receipt_id)
            receipt_predecessor_account_id != 'system' and
            (receipt_predecessor_account_id = $1 or receipt_receiver_account_id = $1) and
            $2 > receipt_included_in_block_timestamp
        order by receipt_included_in_block_timestamp desc
        limit $3
    `, [accountId, offset, limit]);

    ctx.body = rows;

findAccountsByPublicKey: source code

Find accounts by public key, so when you input seed phrase, wallet is able to know which account is related to this seed phrase.

const findAccountsByPublicKey = async (ctx) => {
    const { publicKey } = ctx.params;
    const { rows } = await pool.query(`
        SELECT DISTINCT account_id
        FROM access_keys
        JOIN accounts USING (account_id)
        WHERE public_key = $1
            AND accounts.deleted_by_receipt_id IS NULL
            AND access_keys.deleted_by_receipt_id IS NULL
    `, [publicKey]);
    ctx.body ={ account_id }) => account_id);

findLikelyTokens: source code

List the FT tokens related to the current user.

const findLikelyTokens = async (ctx) => {
    const { accountId } = ctx.params;

    const received = `
        select distinct receipt_receiver_account_id as receiver_account_id
        from action_receipt_actions
        where args->'args_json'->>'receiver_id' = $1
            and action_kind = 'FUNCTION_CALL'
            and args->>'args_json' is not null
            and args->>'method_name' in ('ft_transfer', 'ft_transfer_call')

    const mintedWithBridge = `
        select distinct receipt_receiver_account_id as receiver_account_id from (
            select args->'args_json'->>'account_id' as account_id, receipt_receiver_account_id
            from action_receipt_actions
            where action_kind = 'FUNCTION_CALL' and
                receipt_predecessor_account_id = $2 and
                args->>'method_name' = 'mint'
        ) minted_with_bridge
        where account_id = $1

    const calledByUser = `
        select distinct receipt_receiver_account_id as receiver_account_id
        from action_receipt_actions
        where receipt_predecessor_account_id = $1
            and action_kind = 'FUNCTION_CALL'
            and (args->>'method_name' like 'ft_%' or args->>'method_name' = 'storage_deposit')

    const { rows } = await pool.query([received, mintedWithBridge, calledByUser].join(' union '), [accountId, BRIDGE_TOKEN_FACTORY_ACCOUNT_ID]);
    ctx.body ={ receiver_account_id }) => receiver_account_id);

findLikelyNFTs: source code

List the NFT tokens related to the current user.

const findLikelyNFTs = async (ctx) => {
    const { accountId } = ctx.params;

    const received = `
        select distinct receipt_receiver_account_id as receiver_account_id
        from action_receipt_actions
        where args->'args_json'->>'receiver_id' = $1
            and action_kind = 'FUNCTION_CALL'
            and args->>'args_json' is not null
            and args->>'method_name' like 'nft_%'

    // TODO: How to query minted tokens?

    const { rows } = await pool.query([received].join(' union '), [accountId]);
    ctx.body ={ receiver_account_id }) => receiver_account_id);